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Parliament of the Future: India's New Building Ushers in a Era of Progress
Go Back | Yugvarta , Sep 19, 2023 01:22 PM

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News Image Lucknow :  New Delhi, September 19, 2023 —

As the country celebrates the auspicious occasion of 'Ganesh Chaturthi' today, history was created with the commencement of proceedings in the world's largest democracy at India's New Parliament House.

This architectural marvel stands as a symbol of Progress and Innovation, offering a promising future for 140 crore Indians. With numerous opportunities on the horizon, the introduction of the Women's Reservation Bill takes center stage, emphasizing India's commitment to inclusivity and empowerment.

The Parliament's Evolution: From Legacy to Modernity

The Indian Parliament has come a long way since its inception in 1952. It initially found its home in the

As the country celebrates the auspicious occasion of 'Ganesh Chaturthi' today, history was created with the commencement of proceedings in the world's largest democracy at India's New Parliament House.

This architectural marvel stands as a symbol of Progress and Innovation, offering a promising future for 140 crore Indians. With numerous opportunities on the horizon, the introduction of the Women's Reservation Bill takes center stage, emphasizing India's commitment to inclusivity and empowerment.

majestic colonial-era Parliament House, often referred to as Sansad Bhavan. While this iconic structure holds historical significance, it was time for India to embrace modernity, efficiency, and sustainability.

The new parliament building, designed by renowned architect Bimal Patel, seamlessly blends tradition and innovation. Its state-of-the-art facilities, digital infrastructure, and eco-friendly design redefine the concept of parliamentary governance.

Opening New Avenues for Development

The new parliament building symbolizes more than just a physical relocation. It opens the door to a plethora of opportunities for India's development on multiple fronts:

Digital Governance: The technologically advanced infrastructure will enable faster decision-making and efficient lawmaking, propelling India into the digital age of governance.

Sustainability: With a focus on sustainability, the new building showcases India's commitment to environmental conservation. It includes features like rainwater harvesting and solar power generation, setting an example for eco-friendly urban development.

Inclusivity and Empowerment: The highlight of today's proceedings is the introduction of the Women's Reservation Bill, a historic step towards gender equality. This bill, once enacted, will provide women with a 33% reservation in parliament and state legislative assemblies, ensuring their active participation in the decision-making process.

Cultural Integration: The design of the new parliament building reflects India's cultural diversity and inclusivity. It will serve as a hub for cultural exchange and representation of India's rich heritage.

The day isn't just about bricks and mortar but signifies a vision for a prosperous and equitable India. It's a testament to the country's commitment to modernization, sustainability, and inclusivity.

As the new parliament building opens its doors to lawmakers, it opens doors to a brighter future for India. The Women's Reservation Bill is a pivotal step in this journey, acknowledging the vital role women play in nation-building and ensuring their voices are heard at the highest levels of government.

In the days to come, we can expect to witness innovative policies, discussions, and decisions that will shape India's destiny. The new parliament building is not merely a structure; it's a catalyst for progress, setting India on a trajectory of growth and development that will benefit generations to come.
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