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Vice Governor of Japan's Yamanashi Prefecture meets CM Yogi
Go Back | Yugvarta , Feb 12, 2025 11:16 PM

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News Image लखनऊ : 
Lucknow, February 12: Vice Governor of Japan’s Yamanashi Prefecture, Ko Osada, paid a courtesy visit to Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath at his official residence on Wednesday. During the meeting, CM Yogi and Vice Governor Ko Osada discussed four key areas, including investment opportunities in Uttar Pradesh.

Ko Osada stated, “Around 250 CEOs from Japan will visit Uttar Pradesh to explore potential investment opportunities. The Japanese delegation will assess the state’s investment prospects, driven by its strong law and order, good governance, and rapid economic growth. This initiative will also create significant employment opportunities for the youth of Uttar Pradesh.”

He further emphasized his commitment to strengthening friendly relations between Yamanashi and Uttar Pradesh.

A key focus of the discussions was green hydrogen. It was felt that a pact between UP and Japan’s Yamanashi Prefecture will drive green hydrogen initiatives, including a Center of Excellence, with Japanese technology at its core.

Additionally, discussions were held on organizing an international seminar that would bring together global experts and stakeholders in hydrogen technology. Yamanashi University will also offer students from Uttar Pradesh the opportunity to study industrial technology in the field of green hydrogen.

Highlighting Uttar Pradesh’s vast tourism potential, Ko Osada remarked, “The Buddhist Circuit plays a crucial role in enhancing Japanese tourism in the state. A large number of devotees and tourists from Japan are keen to visit significant Buddhist sites such as Sarnath, Kushinagar, and Shravasti. Efforts will also be made to encourage people from Yamanashi Prefecture to visit these sacred places.”

CM Yogi Adityanath and Ko Osada also discussed employment opportunities for the youth of Uttar Pradesh in Japan, particularly in Yamanashi Prefecture. It was emphasized that young professionals from Uttar Pradesh would be equipped with the necessary Japanese language proficiency and specialized skills before being sent for employment opportunities in Japan.

Additionally, Ko Osada stated that Yamanashi Prefecture would offer scholarships to students pursuing studies in the region.
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