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Uttar Pradesh : Govt’s 100-day intensive TB drive hits 56-day milestone, identifies 53,251 cases
Go Back | Yugvarta , Feb 02, 2025 05:53 PM

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News Image लखनऊ :  Lucknow, February 2 : Under the direction of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, Uttar Pradesh’s 100-day intensive tuberculosis (TB) campaign, expanded on January 1, has achieved remarkable success. Within the first month alone, nearly 40,000 TB patients were identified. As of now, a total of 53,251 TB cases have been detected since the campaign began on December 7.

The Secretary of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Punya Salila Srivastava, recently visited Mathura and expressed her satisfaction with the progress of the initiative.

Dr. Shailendra Bhattnagar, the State Tuberculosis Officer, shared that on Saturday evening, Secretary Punya Salila Srivastava visited Mathura

High-risk groups for TB-

- Individuals above 60 years of age
- Patients with diabetes and HIV
- Individuals who have had TB in the past five years
- People who have been in contact with someone who completed TB treatment within the last three years
- People living in slums, jails, old-age homes, etc.
- Malnourished population with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of less than 18.5 kg/m²
- Individuals who smoke or abuse substances

to inspect the Nikhay Camps at Ayushman Arogya Mandir Bandi and the Community Health Center in Baldev.

She also observed the Nikshay vehicle and interacted with several TB patients. She appreciated the ID card and calendar developed by Nikshay Mitra at Baldev Community Health Center (CHC), and took it with her.

Dr. Bhattnagar highlighted that Mathura district leads the state in TB patient adoption under the Nikshay Mitra initiative, with 15,222 patients receiving support. Expressing his satisfaction with this achievement, he noted that a total of 53,251 TB patients have been identified so far, with treatment already underway for 36,295 of them.

The screening campaign has covered approximately 3 crore high-risk individuals across all 75 districts, with 1.72 crore people being screened for TB symptoms through X-rays and microscopic tests.

Among the districts, Agra has reported the highest number of TB patients, with 2,057 cases, while Sant Ravidas Nagar has the least with 131 cases. Other districts with significant cases include Sitapur (2,045), Lucknow (1,818), Aligarh (1,582), and Kanpur (1,536).

A total of 3,24,2026 Nikshay camps have been set up for TB screening and awareness, with an average of 4,604 camps held daily. Additionally, 60,998 Nikshay Mitras have adopted approximately 182,182 TB patients, and 306,477 nutrition kits have been distributed.

The intensive 100-day TB campaign, which started on December 7 in 15 districts with higher TB-related deaths, was expanded across all 75 districts after the Chief Minister reviewed the progress and instructed its statewide implementation in the last week of December.
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