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PM MODI LIVE LOK SABHA ADDRESS : Congress from 2024 becomes ‘Parasite Congress’ Party : Prime Minister
Go Back | Yugvarta , Jul 02, 2024 05:08 PM

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News Image New Delhi :  New Delhi (Lok Sabha) 2nd July : Amid ruckus, PM Modi begins his speech at the Lok Sabha. It's a widely anticipated address as he is expected to touch upon points mentioned by Rahul Gandhi yesterday. As soon as Prime Minister Narendra Modi began his response to the debate on the motion of thanks for the President's address, opposition MPs created an uproar in the Lok Sabha. The Opposition is continuously chanting slogans of “Give Justice to Manipur”, “Tanashahi Nahi Chalegi” aloud leading to chaotic proceedings in the parliament.
Despite the commotion, PM Modi continued his speech.

In his address, PM

During PM Modi's speech, opposition MPs continuously created a ruckus. In response, Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla reprimanded opposition leader Rahul Gandhi, saying, "You were given a chance to speak, and there was no such commotion. You have come into the House and violated the dignity of the Parliament."

Modi targeted the opposition, stating that he could understand the pain of some people. Speaking amidst the chaos in the House, PM Modi continued his remarks. During this time, Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla reprimanded opposition leader Rahul Gandhi, asking him to stop inciting people.

Zero Tolerance Towards Corruption: PM Modi-

PM Modi stated that the public has blessed his government because of its zero-tolerance policy towards corruption. He emphasized that the government’s sole objective is "Nation First."

PM Modi said, "Yesterday and today, many MPs expressed their views on the President's address, especially those who have joined us as MPs for the first time. They followed all the rules of Parliament, and their behavior was like that of experienced MPs. Despite being newcomers, they have enhanced the dignity of the House and made this debate more valuable with their insights."

He continued, "In the world's largest election campaign, the public chose us, and I can understand the pain of some people. Despite spreading continuous lies, they suffered a huge defeat. We have followed a policy of satisfaction, not appeasement."

PM Modi highlighted the achievements of the central government since 2014, mentioning that before their tenure, there was competition in scandals. He stated that they have ended this trend. Previously, people had to run around MPs and MLAs to get gas connections, often unsuccessfully. Even for getting ration, people had to pay bribes.

Attacking the Congress, PM Modi said that before 2014, people used to say, "Nothing can be done in this country." He claimed that his government has changed this perception.

On the issue of terrorism, PM Modi asserted that the new India of today retaliates by entering the terrorists' homes. He assured that there would be no compromise with the country's security and that terrorists would be dealt with accordingly.

PM Modi said that India has now reached a position where we have to compete with ourselves. Over the past 10 years, we have gained momentum, and now we need to maintain this speed.

In the Lok Sabha, PM Modi said, "We are rapidly moving towards a modern India, but we will stay connected to our roots. We have made a resolution to make three crore women 'Lakhpati Didis' in this country."

PM Modi stated that for the first time in the history of Congress, the party has failed to cross the 100-seat mark for three consecutive terms. He added that this is the third biggest defeat in Congress's history. It would have been better if Congress accepted its defeat. The public has given the mandate for them to sit in opposition in 2024.

PM Modi also explained why Congress is portraying this as a victory. He gave an example, saying, "When a child falls off a bicycle and gets hurt, adults often distract the child by saying, 'Look, the bird flew away,' to console them. Similarly, these people are consoling themselves."

Attacking Rahul Gandhi, PM Modi recalled an anecdote: "A boy who scored 99 marks was boasting and showing everyone his marks. People praised him, but then the teacher asked why they were congratulating him. The teacher clarified that the boy scored 99 out of 543, not out of 100."

Attacking Congress, PM Modi said, "I would advise the Congress members not to indulge in celebrating a false victory. Try to honestly understand and accept the mandate given by the country. I don't know if the Congress's allied parties have analyzed this election, but there is a message for them too. From now on, Congress will be known as a 'parasite Congress' post-2024. A parasite is one that feeds on the very body it lives with. This is the current state of Congress."

Attacking Congress, PM Modi said, "I would advise Congress members not to indulge in celebrating a false victory. Try to honestly understand and accept the mandate given by the country. I don't know if the allied parties of Congress have analyzed this election, but there is a message for them too. From now on, Congress will be known as a 'parasitic Congress' post-2024. A parasite is one that feeds on the very body it lives with. This is the current state of Congress."

PM Modi added, "Where there was a direct contest between BJP and Congress, Congress performed terribly. In states where they latched onto someone's coattails, their junior partners had a strike rate of 50 percent. Most of Congress's 99 seats were won by their allies. Where Congress fought alone, their vote share has plummeted."

PM Modi accused Congress of spreading chaos in the country, saying, "In the North, they speak against the West, and in South India, they talk about the East. Congress openly brings narratives to pit one caste against another. Congress is working under a calculated strategy to spread economic disorder in the country. The promises they made during the election were aimed at creating economic chaos."

Taking a sharp jab at Rahul Gandhi, PM Modi said, "Yesterday in the House, there was a display of childish lament. It was a drama to gain sympathy. He forgets that he is out on bail in a case involving embezzlement of thousands of crores of rupees and has been punished for calling the OBC community thieves."

PM Modi continued his attack on Rahul Gandhi, saying, "Just like a man-eating animal that tastes blood, Congress has gotten a taste for lies. Yesterday, July 1, the country also celebrated 'Khata-Khat Diwas.' People were checking their accounts to see if they received the 8500 rupees."

Responding to the uproar in the Lok Sabha, PM Modi said that Congress spreads lies with malicious intent, which should be taken seriously because their intentions are not right. Later, they try to hide this by creating a ruckus. Action needs to be taken against this. It can no longer be ignored by calling it "childish behavior."

The Prime Minister said, "131 years ago, Swami Vivekananda said in Chicago that he was proud to come from a religion that taught tolerance. It is serious that there is a conspiracy to falsely accuse Hindus. It is your upbringing that makes you say Hindus are violent. The country will never forget this."

PM Modi stated that Congress members cannot tolerate a powerful military. Everyone knows that during Nehru's time, the army was weak. Scandals weakened the nation's armed forces, and their needs were not met. The Jeep, submarine, and Bofors scandals prevented the military from becoming stronger. During Congress rule, the armed forces did not even have bulletproof jackets. They weakened the military while in power and continued these efforts even after moving to the opposition.


On the issue of exam paper leaks, PM Modi said, "I want to assure every young person in the country that the government is extremely serious about preventing such incidents, and measures are being taken on a war footing. Those who play with the future will not be spared."

PM Modi stated that there are individuals in the country who are supporting forces that seek to divide the nation. He urged citizens to remain vigilant against such people. Additionally, he mentioned that some ecosystems are determined to ruin the country. "I warn them that every conspiracy will be answered in kind," he said.

During his speech in the Lok Sabha, PM Modi expressed sorrow over the Hathras incident and assured that all possible help would be provided to the victims. "My sympathies are with them," he said.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi emphasized, "Our nation's military should be youthful, and the army is meant to give a tough fight to enemies. We must trust our young people and increase their strength in the military. Our army is the pride of the nation. Today, the entire country looks up to our military. We are seeing unprecedented reforms in our defense sector. Our military is being modernized to ensure it can effectively respond to any challenge. Numerous changes have been made in the past few years to enhance national security. The creation of the CDS (Chief of Defence Staff) position has strengthened integration. I can confidently say that since the establishment of the CDS, progress has been made towards theater commands, which are essential for the nation's security. The Atmanirbhar Bharat (Self-Reliant India) initiative is playing a significant role in making our military self-reliant."
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